Friday, October 21, 2011

Shlomo Reborn!

Like a phoenix from the ashes...

So it's been a couple years since I updated my old blog, and you know what? I kind of miss it. I miss writing, I miss knowing that I have something to say, and I miss the illusion that someone out there is actually paying attention to whatever it is I'm going on about. I mean sure, I have a Tumblr now -- all the cool kids have them, after all -- but I find that that's much more conducive to reblogging pictures of pictures of Brian Eno or Divine or Barbara Stanwyck than it is, say, making a coherent argument that Lady Gaga is neither as good nor as bad as everyone seems to think. Just as an example. And instead of going back to my old blog -- there's so much history there! so much angst! -- I figured I would set this one up as a repository for my random musings and unorthodox approach to punctuation. Expect semicolons, so many semicolons.

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