Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Love Divine

I notice that before Christmas, I mentioned that I was trying to bully my mother into making a doll of Divine in Pink Flamingos for a friend of mine. Well...

She's a little thin, looks a little like a random contestant from RuPaul's Drag Race, and the dress looks a little more "Mahalia Jackson" than it does "Filthiest Woman Alive," but I'm pleased that we were able to make this work. My mother did all the sewing, naturally, while I painted the face. I was really pleased with how the eyes turned out.

My friend has it on the table next to his bed, so it's the first thing he sees when he wakes up in the morning.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

TV Party Tonight?

I've noticed recently that I haven't been watching as much TV as I have been. Partly this is because of my schedule: I work two nights a week, and those nights (Wednesday and Thursday) tend to have the programs I am most interested in watching. At the same time, I am going out more on Monday and Tuesday nights: the guy I've been seeing -- we're not dating, but I think that by the fourth month, if you meet up at least once a week, you can properly describe yourself as "seeing" someone -- is generally free on those nights, and those tend to be the nights we hang out. Which is not a bad thing at all, mind you, but it does mean that I haven't watched How I Met Your Mother at all this season. And that's the type of show that I've sort of quit watching: not great art, but entertaining, diverting television shows. So I am pretty diligent about catching up with Parks and Recreation on Hulu (usually on my lunch hours at work; I love having my own office), but less so with shows like Raising Hope. It's not a major loss or anything, it's just that the circumstances of my life have changed, and I find it interesting.

What also might have contributed is the death of our flat screen, which necessitated the rearrangement of our TVs in the apartment, so that now instead of a larger TV in my bedroom, I have a 10" TV that my roommate had in his closet, which I have not turned on for weeks. This also coincided with our getting Roku, which allows us to stream Netflix and Hulu Plus to our TV downstairs, so we're much more inclined to watch something like Portlandia or Better Off Ted when I get home from work than to watch the middling police procedurals that seem to take over in the 10 o'clock hour.

Naturally, I should be reading more. I know I should be. Putting aside the stack of books chiding me from my desk, I have a pile of comic books that need to be attended to one of these days. Or I could be watching movies, which would at least give me something to blog about here, right? But as of late I've been burning up my free time by playing The Sims 3, which is of absolutely no interest to anyone but myself.